INGLÉS A1, módulo 2
Conseguirás un nivel elemental de comprensión auditiva y lectora, de expresión e interacción oral y de escritura que te permita intercambios comunicativos muy simples y controlados sobre temas familiares y habituales destinados a satisfacer necesidades de tipo inmediato, con hablantes que se esfuerzan en hacerse entender.
My town and home
Neighbourhood places and buildings
House, rooms and furniture I.
House, rooms and furniture II.
What's the weather like?
Present continuous.
Present continuous vs present simple.
Going to' for predictions.
Too / Enough.
I love shopping
Parts of the body.
A few/a little/some/any.
Prices and shopping phrases.
Too much/too many/not enough.
Past simple of the verb 'to be'.
There was, There were.
Past simple: regular verbs.
Past simple: irregular verbs.
Future time expressions.
Holidays / bank holidays.
Travel and transport.